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Lessons Learned from the Trenches of SMT Assembly And A Decade of “Board Talk"
Lessons Learned from the Trenches of SMT Assembly And A Decade of “Board Talk” with Jim Hall & Phil Zarrow
Module 1: Voids in BTC Ground Planes - (26:05)
Module 2: Do We Need To Clean No-clean Residues Before Conformal Coating? - (7:43)
Module 3: What is Causing Failures on BGA? - (9:21)
Module 4: Should We Measure Solder Paste Thickness? - (7:01)
Module 5: Preventing “New” Type Of Defects - (10:26)
Module 6: Should We Consider Changing to a Newer Solder Paste Formulation? - (22:56)
Module 7: What are the Pros and Cons of Cleaning No-Clean? - (9:43)
Module 8: Is HASL a Good Choice for Surface Finish? - (8:27)
Module 9: Should we change from Water Soluble fluxes to No-Clean? - (12:28)
Module 10: What Are Potential Issues With Introducing Ultra-miniature Chip Components Into Our Products? - (22:54)
Module 11: Will Nitrogen Reduce Wave and/or Reflow Solder Defects? - (9:32)
Module 12: Does Your Assembly Line SufferFrom Floundering Time? - (9:01)
Module 13: Are There Standards Governing Component Polarity Marks? - (2:12)
Module 14: How Can We Reduce Tombstoning? - (9:09)
Module 15: Can We Skip Cleaning After Rework? - (6:36)
MODULE 16: Is there a Specification for Proper Conditions for the Storage of PCB’s? - (11:07)
Module 17: How to Build a “Proper” Profile Board to Set Up a Reflow Oven - (2:01)
Module 18: Why has Vapor Phase ReflowCome Back? - (5:26)
Module 19: How Can We Achieve Adequate Hole Fill-In Wave Soldering? - (6:59)
Module 20: Can We Mix Conformal CoatingsDuring Rework? - (4:38)
Module 21: Will typical No-Clean Residues Pass an SIR Test? - (10:53)
Module 22: What Causes “Icicles”During Wave Soldering? - (4:09)
Module 23: Solder Pallets with Titanium InsertsYes or No? - (10:12)
Module 24: How Do You Remove OxidationFrom PCB’s? - (7:12)
Module 25: SUMMARY - The Wisdom of BoardTalk - (6:37)
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Module 17: How to Build a “Proper” Profile Board to Set Up a Reflow Oven -
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